These are the Cliffs of Moher, dizzyingly high above the sea. The wind blows over them and it is a stunningly beautiful, remote place, looking out toward the Aran Islands.
I thought you might like to see some ancient stones, so here's Poulnabrone dolmen on the Burren, not too far from the Cliffs of Moher.

The Burren is a vast area of limestone pavement, where instead of green fields you have what looks like endless crazy paving. To compensate for the lack of earth, the most incredible wild flowers burst into bloom here every spring - gentians, rockroses, orchids, the sort of plants found nowhere else in Ireland - and they all survive by tucking themselves into crannies where tiny pockets of soil have been blown. It's a strangely beautiful landscape, but not much good for making a living, which is why so many people left here in the hope of a better existence in the New World.
Rho asked what kind of deer it was with which I shared the woods in Killarney the other day. It was in fact a Sika, Rho, the smaller type. We do have red deer in the forests there, but they're a great deal more wary of human beings and you'd be lucky to see one as close as this was. I'm happy to say too that while we do have ticks (I leave it to DH to remove them from the dogs, since I get squeamish when I see one) fortunately they don't carry any diseases. No snakes here either - the Church would have us believe that St. Patrick banished them, but in fact they never made it to Ireland before we parted company with mainland Europe and made ourselves into an island - rather earlier than Christianity.
There was a dangerous moment of start-another-project-right-now-itis this morning. The sleeves of the Elann are progressing at a snail's pace, and for some reason - well any excuse to stop wrestling with those chunky dpns was enough - I wandered down to the stash store in the basement where this lovely tempting six-pack of Bergere de France Frimousse sashayed out and smiled in a knowing manner.

I'd bought this yarn in Clermont Ferrand on our last French trip in June, knowing that it would be perfect for a future project which I hadn't thought of yet. It's a boucle in charcoal and not very thick - perhaps DK. Vests were in my mind, I think (they usually are with any new yarn I haven't tried yet). Now the other day I was flipping through somebody else's copy of English Vogue and established two things pretty clearly. One is that cossack pants in velvet, bloused over boots, are going to be HUGE this winter (heck, I remember the last time, in the late Sixties, early Seventies), and the other is rich charcoal woollies in cashmere, merino or other sumptuously soft yarn. The ones I saw had cables and diamonds as well as the less raised guernsey patterns which are worked with purl stitches rather than twists. There was one adorable mini-dress made as a sweater but longer and flared out at the end so that it became a tiny frock for someone young with very good legs indeed. Now I want nothing more than to get started on a hug-me-tight, a cabled Aran cropped cardigan, something, anything with that Frimousse. But the Elann is still there, waiting, indicating the calendar which reminds me that entries for Bantry Show must be registered on Tuesday and the completed garment delivered by September 2...
So how is the Elann, you ask resignedly. Believe me, I'm about as interested in it as you are at this stage. Would one of you ever pop over to Ireland, slam open my front door and order me to cease working on it forthwith? It would make things so much simpler. On the other hand, it's progressed so far now that to return would be as tedious as to complete, to paraphrase Shakespeare.

Looking any better to you? How long do sleeves have to be? Are these cuff-sweeping designs a bit over-rated? Aren't elbow-length sleeves all the rage? (It may be that you see a jacket here that looks further on than it acually is. When I've completed the sleeves, there is still the body to work downwards, before making those challenging Horseshoe Point bind-offs.)
Anyway, when DH suggested I come out on his day's jobs with him, I acquiesced with startling speed. First off was the airport where two generations of a family were coming in to join the other two; all were then going up to the Midlands to do a joint parachute jump. Search me - I think it was a family dare or something. They've recently built a huge new terminal at Cork and for sure it's a lot more sophisticated and practical for the crowds we get, but I mourn the old, small, friendly one. Up to a few years ago, they even had a turf fire burning in the arrivals hall to welcome visitors! And you could always hail friends among the officials and staff as you came in. Still, I suppose we had to update sometime. One good thing - as far as I know, it is still possible to buy bacon and sausages in the duty free hall to take back with you.
Thence to Fountainstown, a small seaside resort, where children have been learning how to road bowl. Road bowling is a rare enough sport, confined to Ireland and even there to just Armagh and Cork. It consists basically of throwing an extremely heavy small ball (solid metal) along a country road, to see who can get it furthest. Large amounts of money change hands at a big bowling match, but on any Sunday you can find local men and youths out on their own boreen, keeping up the tradition. Since this seaside one was for children, there was definitely no betting; instead the lemonade and crisps were much in evidence, and no less a personage than the Bishop of Cork had come down to show them how.

Bishop John Buckley is a lovely gentle man who likes nothing better than to get rid of the robes and spend an hour's bowling to free him from bishoply cares. When he'd done his bit and reluctantly torn himself away to attend to episcopal duties, I went in to the tiny local shop which sits in a tin hut almost on the beach. Three sisters run it for the summer months, offering a much-needed service to local holidaymakers since it is a good few miles to any other commercial facility.
You should see the variety of things they sell in there! Sweets and groceries, fishing flies and newspapers, birthday cards, and candles, electric plugs and aspirin, hats and hula hoops, sunglasses and light bulbs, home-made blackcurrant tarts and even real ice-cream wafers, cut from the block in traditional style. They didn't have knitting needles or yarn - sadly, they said, nobody knits around there any more - but I challenged them to find a needle and thread and they didn't hesitate, diving underneath the counter and coming up with the goods.

I love local shops like these and hope they can continue as long as possible. Big supermarket chains tend to drive them out of business eventually, but these are tough ladies in Fountainstown and as long as holidaymakers come down to spend a week or a month by the sea, Angela, Kathleen and Marie will be there, weighing out the sweets, advising on the fishing flies, handing over the evening paper.
I have tended, on one or two occasions, to bewail the non-availability of standard yarns here in Ireland, and have frequently voiced my jealousy of the rest of you out there. It is being slowly borne in on me, however, that I am not exactly the only one who wishes she had more yarn stores, more choice, right on her doorstep. When I read your weblogs, I realise everyone wants something else. Some of you yearned for the cones I found at Muckross and Kerry Woollen Mills. OK, I won't grumble any more that I don't have Joann's and Michael's round the corner. Everybody has their own yarn sources. Although these ones in Ireland are few and far between and you really have to hunt to find them, maybe that's part of the fun. You appreciate it more when you do strike lucky. But boy, you should see me in an American or Canadian yarn shop when I'm on a trip! I tend to go into complete topspin and rush around hyperventilating and hurling everything I can see into a basket. Same in France (only there they expect you to do it with decorum). And when I make a trip to one of those old-fashioned English spinning mills (now alas far fewer than before), I need to be left alone for a WHOLE DAY to walk the entire place slowly, then again, then take a coffee break, then make a selection, then a second selection - and finally have to be dragged out forcibly at closing time, protesting vociferously.
But then I guess that's pretty standard behaviour for yarn fiends everywhere, isn't it?
That's one cool Bishop .The whole thing looks like great fun . Do not despair those sleeves will end ..or you could chop off a bit of arm but it's a bit drastic ! I am knitting my autumn shawl when along comes Zanzibar in new colours so another project is cast on .I must get to Colinette one day but I have a fear that I'd lay down and drag my nails along the floor at closing time like a cat that doesn't want to be moved. Jeff is really puzzled why wool drives me into a lust crazed frenzy ..I am getting a bit puzzled then some attractive devil flashes their colours at me.If they were men I'd be going out with a low-rider or something !
wow! that scenery is spectacular! what a great day. from the deep dark woods one day to the wide open cliffs the next. you might wake up one day to find knocking at your door!
Well, Ireland is pretty close to perfect with no snakes - ugh - now if you could get rid of the ticks it would be almost perfectly perfect.
If you ever get this way and are going to try to hit Webs you have to let me know I will figure out some way to meet you so I can have fun there with someone who would probably be a crazy as me in the store and warehouse area.
Oh the scenery.....
Jo - What beautiful country - makes me want to visit one day and soon!
What a beautiful lady in that wonderful shop. She would no doubt make this Canadian girl feel welcome.
Have no fear, Jo, when you come to my part of the world, I will carry large baskets in our LYS and you can toss to your heart's content!
I can only imagine arriving in an airport with a wonderful peat fire burning! I bet it would smell wonderful!
Wow, Jo, what amazing photos! I can not believe how lovely - I look forward to the day when I can see it all for myself :0)
Ah, and when we travel I carry Knitter's Magazine Shop Finder, so as not to miss a yarn shop opportunity. (Well, that's a bit of a fib - I spend HOURS in preparation for a trip, considering yarn shops and excuses I might give, attractions I might suggest to get us to travel in that direction! VBG!)
One time I convinced my DH a road trip to Natchez, MS would be pleasant, and the only real purpose was to get to the yarn store. (It's 70 miles, one way.) Truely, we're sisters across the ocean!
It is certainly a beautiful coastline. I'm standing in line to visit your amazing country one day, but when ...?
Your point about 'the grass is always greener' seems to be right, too, although my local spinners and weavers guild keeps me supplied with plenty to work with. I usually use my LYS just for inspiration for colours, or to stock up on more needles. I bought a pair of Morgan wooden 4mm beauties yesterday, and they are very smooth to work with.
Barbara-Kay I've done exactly that myself! I persuaded poor long-suffering DH to drive about 135 miles out of our way in France because, I said innocently, the scenery looked like it might be nice. Of course I hid the secret knowledge until we reached the town I had in mind all the time and then said, 'Oh, look, there's a yarn store, why don't we stop for a moment?' (It serves me absolutely and completely right that it closed on a Monday...)
I live literally around the corner from my LYS, and only a short drive from two others, and yet whenever I travel, I am on the lookout for yarn, and act the same way when I find shop, like I've come across a water fountain in the desert. I'll buy the exact same yarn I could buy at home, but it's special somehow, because it came from...somewhere else.
Jo - It's me again!
About the shrug! It was a sample at my LYS. Cast on 122 st on appropriate sized needles with appropriate sized yarn. Ha! Ha! Pattern is *k2, yrn, p2tog* continue to end and k2, turn and repeat this row until you have knit approx. 28". CO and then fold along the edge you created with the k2 - from CO and BO edges, seam up leaving a 6.5" opening to the fold - giving you approx 13" arm opening. So simple, but such a relaxing knit and great for gifts. This one will be on its way to OK, USA tomorrow to say thank you to my DIL, but I have another on the 4.5 mm needle of Angora/Tweed by Garnstudio that was in a bargain basket for $3.00 a ball. Had that in my grubby little hands before I even thought of what it might be useful for!! I could have used a larger needle, but with 2/3 of the first ball done, 4.5mm it is. Oh yes, you need about 550 yds of yarn.
Hope that is as clear as mud!
I think the shrug is better than a shawl in a 'slippery' material, as it should stay 'anchored' better. The one in the photo is of a cotton/rayon mix - 82% rayon!
This is going on forever!
I might just try to make this for a young child in a cotton for summer!
beautiful seaside views! can you scan in or somehow show the pattern for that lace wedding coat?
Jo: re the stitch markers, you don't have to bribe me, I will happily share what little knowledge I have, but any and all yarn on offer will always find a happy home here! :0)
I used this tutorial: http://www.wormspit.com/stitchmarkers.htm
I could not believe how simple it was to put these together - even with my little helpers who were determined to change my symetrical designs and throw beads all over the floor! I have some other stitch markers that are even more simple - using perhaps fewer beads. Once the beads are on the head pin, simply form the end sticking up into a loop, and wrap it around itself with the pliers to make the marker part that sits on your needles. It helps when doing it this way, I think, to wrap the wire around a solid object, like a pencil or something.
You sound like the kind of person who wants to learn to do it yourself (I know I am), but if not, I will happily send you some markers. Just let me know what colours/bead types you like. :0)
I also will take pictures the next time I make markers, if you think it would help! Just let me know...
Jo, what breathaking scenery! I am so truly touched that you took some pictures just for me. Apparently Great-Gran didn't stand on the shore looking wistfully out to sea ... she stood on the cliffs doing so. When she said life was hard, so they came to America ... all I can imagine is that things must have been truly desperate to make them leave such a lovely place full of lovely people. I've seen pictures of the Cliffs of Moher before, but did not realize they were the shore of my ancestral home county. Ah, now I want to see them in person more than ever. And thank you so much for the other lovely scenery. I always envision Ireland enveloped in every shade of green imaginable, with a good bit of grey stone thrown in for design contrast. I've always wanted to design a "colors of Ireland" sweater in greys and greens in Fair Isle. Now you are re-inspiring me. You even have a cool Bishop! And cheer to you for supporting local small shops. That's where the best folks are.
BTW Tommy Sock says thanks for the invitation and he would love to come over and play if only his Mom would get on a plane.
Lovely blog! I just found you via Mason-Dixon Knitting, by the way.
Did you know that road bowling has become increasingly popular in the highlands of the American South? Lots of Irish and Scots forbears, I suppose.
Also, I see that you scored some of the amazing red Seasilk...I covet that and the "Straw" colorway, and have made my favorite socks from the FA "Autumn" merino...they are scrumptious. I hope you enjoy yours!
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