You remember that sad saga of the French Market Bag That Never Was? Well Celtic Memory is never downhearted for long. Something new was needed, a Secret Weapon. And it has arrived.

No, not Tasha (although she certainly is a secret weapon, as you would know to your cost if you ever tried to pass the garden gate without her permission). What she is popping out of (out of what she is popping?) is a tiny, worktop version of a WASHING MACHINE. And I'm going to use it for dyeing small lots and for felting small thingies. Now let's see how that FMB and indeed the Felted Clogs behave!
(Those of you who own one of these micro washers please don't write to me and say that they're useless, I should not have bothered, etc. etc. Let me find out for myself, OK? Let me experience the dizzy euphoria of total disaster on my own.)
I wonder if I could wash the dogs in it? With ecologically sound, canine-friendly detergent of course. And little headphones so they could listen to their favourite rap while being swished and rinsed. It would certainly save on the cleaning up in the bathroom.
Now - a nice package of soft luxuries has gone off to Lyn in Australia, to soften sadnesses and awaken interests. And THIS week's winner of some Celtic Memory yarn is -
RHO. Rho of Rho's Knitting Goes.
And she wins for telling me about that unbelievable, incredible, amazing yarn stash. Did you see her comment? Have you all seen that unbelievable hoard? If not, go right over to this site NOW and look. I'll wait. It's worth it, I promise.
(If the link doesn't work - it isn't doing for me right now - go type in this URL and have a gasp.
Well, what do you think of THAT? I will admit that my first reaction was huge relief. So I'm not the worst in the world after all. I'm only trottin' after that wan! I mean, did you EVER?
Now the owner of that stash sure as heck doesn't need any yarn gifts! But Rho deserves it for letting us all know that we're only amateurs. There is a skein of beautiful merino/tencel sock yarn just waiting for you to adopt it, Rho. BUT - there's no such thing as a free skein - you're going to have to earn this prize. Get that camera back from your DH, take pictures of your recently-finished socks, and POST them on your blog. We all want to see them, you want to show them off - quit the delaying tactics, get back in the game girl! And then you can have your sock yarn from Celtic Memory.
Now some quite unexpected and hysterically exciting developments have meant that I am leaving West Cork for a few crazy days, en route to somewhere very special indeed, to meet some very special friends. Will post in full when I get back from what promises to be one heck of a weekend. I will say no more right now, except that DH is the golden boy here for setting up what must be the ultimate birthday present for a yarn-crazed knitter... And before you ask, he's staying home to look after the dogs. What can I ever do to repay him?
I'll be back, gang...
Oh darn, a quick glance and I thought Tasha was packed and ready to go!!!! And I promise not to tell you anything about that washing machine, I'll just show you. I think the idea of washing the dogs in it is a great one. Think it will do Persians? I would give it 2 minutes or less before the filters were clogged.
I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT YARN STASH. I DON'T BELIEVE IT. I DON'T BELIEVE IT. I WANT IT, I WANT IT, I WANT IT. Man, I am releasing one huge sigh of relief. I'm not the worst after all. By a long shot I would say.
WOW! I have seen smaller quantities of yarn in yarn shops. If she ever gets tired of it, she can open her own little shop. Lucky Rho!
Happy Birthday, girl!
Love the Yarnslayer in the washer!
Just FYI, Cat Bordhi brings one of those little micro washers to her retreats so that everyone can trade bits of yarn around and knit needle sheaths and felt them to remember everyone.
Oh dear - I hope no one thinks that is my stash - I have only been knitting for a year and a half and that is decades of stashing I am sure...I am envious of that stash.
Hubby is back from his trip so I have to look in his bags for the camera and I PROMISE I will post pics of my new socks this week.
What a week I won two things this week :D I never win - maybe I should buy a lottery ticket.
Have a super duper bday trip! Can't wait to hear all about it.
And Tasha in the washing machine - LOL how hard was it to get her in there??
That stash is really something! Hope you have fun on your birthday trip!
Where can I get a MIL like that?!! Great to hear that Sophy is doing so well. Have a super weekend and a great birthday!
when i saw the picture of Tasha i said "why is that cutie in the nappy bin???" looks exactly like the diaper bin my sister had in her nursery for my nephew lol...a washer that small? never heard of such a thing...
glad to hear miss sophy is well :-) Yeah....
as for that stash...THERE ARE NO WORDS....holy cow!
Ok, I want that washing machine (not that I could afford it), but you know...not for felting...for laundry! Trying to find a machine not in use in my complex is like squaring the circle! (And the dog-washing idea, hilarious.)
Also want that stash. Totally. I refused to go look at it again lest I ruinate my keyboard. ;)
Oh no, you are going to hear about it for showing us that stash. Tommorow. When we see you here ...!
I'm not tellin'. . . .
Have a great time, Jo. Sorry I'm not close enough to drop in.
I'm so glad Sophy is back to her normal routine :) Tasha looks adorable in the washing machine! Happy birthday! Have a great trip this weekend.
Thank you for the stash link. I think I've been saved from years of therapy. Also, I'm curious to know how that little washer works out. I've got a front loader here at home for actual laundry and it really won't work for felting. I was planning on going to the laundromat but a tabletop washer is a much better idea. Of course, with my luck they won't be available here in the states.
Oh! Someone once brought their compact table-top washer, very similar to yours, to a meeting. She loved hers and used it all the time for felting.
Mystery vacation! FUN. Hope where ever you've gone is dry and sunny. Your DH is a keeper. Can't wait to read details, see pics.
Hey, can I ask what brand of mini-washer that is? What a great idea!!!
Oh how cute is Tasha popping out of the wash ? :)
WOW what a stash NOW I feel better
Happy Birthday Jo and I hope you have a great day !!
So glad Sophy is feeling much better!
That yarn stash left me speechless. Some people marry for love, others for money, others for yarn. :-)
One of my relatives had a tabletop washer in their apartment back in the 1970s. It worked well for garments and undies, and she had it for a long time.
Cam't wait to find out where you've been!
Honestly, I don't want that stash. I like my treasures.
Some of them need new homes since I am not going to use them, but it is still possible that I could use up everything in my life time.
About that micro washer- please - let us know how it goes. With your standard front load Europeans - fulling is a real pain (all or nothing).
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